Essa série de ilustrações criei durante a quarentena, em 2020, com a ideia de imaginar personagens de filmes, animações, séries e até mesmo alguns que criei, para ocupar os espaços da cidade que estavam vazios.

Com alguns registros de fotos anteriores a pandemia, ilustrei esses personagens no Photoshop.


This series of illustrations I created during quarantine, in 2020, with the idea of ​​imagining characters from films, animations, series and even some I created, to occupy spaces in the city that were empty.

With some photo records from before the pandemic, I illustrated these characters in Photoshop.
Colocando personagens conhecidos por How I Met Your Mother, Coringa, Narnia, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Toy Stoty e muitos outros, trouxe alguns dos meus preferidos e misturei com outro gosto muito grande que tenho por fotografia, que faço por hobby.

Placing characters known from How I Met Your Mother, Joker, Narnia, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Toy Stoty and many others, I brought some of my favorites and mixed them with another great taste that I have for photography,
which I do as a hobby.
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E também me siga no Instagram :)

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